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(trus jadi stone sbb blank) |
What is that?.....erm maybe another language...so I start google (pe lg kan..ni je sumber dia).. So I find out the meaning of our entry title this time is "I THINK, THEREFORE I AM"...The phrase have a simple meaning that if someone is thinking that he/she is alive..then he's/she's alive in a reality by not influenced by dream or some other figment of imagination. This statement had been used by René Descartes, a philosophical Latin
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(This is the person..amacam..de cm muka bapak korg x? He3 gurau je..) |
At the beginning of second meditation, he already reached the highest level of doubt which is the argument from the existence of deceiving god (subhanallah...bg yg beragama Islam sila jgn terpengaruh..) He try his belief to examine if he survived from the doubt...In his belief in his own existence, he find that it is impossible to doubt that he is exists. If someone is still belief in his/her own existence, they will be survived from deceiving god (or evil demon). This is the statement
"But I have convinced myself that there is absolutely nothing in the world, no sky, no earth, no minds, no bodies. Does it now follow that I, too, do not exist? No. If I convinced myself of something [or thought anything at all], then I certainly existed. But there is a deceiver of supreme power and cunning who deliberately and constantly deceives me. In that case, I, too, undoubtedly exist, if he deceives me; and let him deceive me as much as he can, he will never bring it about that I am nothing, so long as I think that I am something. So, after considering everything very thoroughly, I must finally conclude that the proposition, I am, I exist, is necessarily true whenever it is put forward by me or conceived in my mind."
(AT VII 25; CSM II 16–17)
This statement become famous because in Renaissance period, human is derived by the strong 'perasaan ingin tahu'. The church authorities in Rome is not ready to cope with the scientists and mathematicians because they worry that they will challenge conventional wisdom that had been stated by the Catholic Church. This conflict had happened to Galileo Galilei.
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Galileo Galilei: Uhuk..uhuk..saya telah memanjangkan kajian Nicholas Copernicus dan mendapati bahawa benar yang matahari adalah sebagai pusat alam. |
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Golongan penguasa gereja di Rom: Biadab!! jgn cuba melawan pihak Gereja Katolik..kami telah menetapkan bahawa bumi sebagai pusat alam!! |
Because of that, he been prison in house in 1633 (-_-')
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The church at that time only focus to the painting and sculpture. Paul Julius II pay to Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael and Michelangelo to decorate the church and cathedral with painting and sculpture. At this time the St. Peter Cathedral was build.
After that the reformation start to exist because of there is too much irregularities, corruption and fraud. People start to question the position and practice of Catholic Church because their lifestyle did not shows the religious life. There were irregularities unpleasant by many such as they sold the certificates indulgence (surat pengampunan bagi penganut Kristian yang telah melakukan dosa)
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(Klu jual ni xpe la kn..tp ni choclate INDULGENCE tau!!) |
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(ni la surat pengampunan tu INDULGENCE) |
So people start the reformation and openly challenge the church. Power of the church against the government or monarchy reduced due to free itself from control of the Pope in Rome. After that people start improving because they can do and make something that logical that bring then into the REVOLUTION of AGRICULTURAL and INDUSTRIAL
As we can see here, from the chaotic that have been made by the Catholic Church, people start to change their direction of understanding. From believe in what had been stated by church, they start to believe in their own self. Science is a part of their GOD. All the logical thing start to bloom at that time as they hear what had been stated by René Descartes, I Think, Therefore I am...
I Think I am RIGHT, Therefore I am RIGHT!!
That is my opinion from the resources that i already read...click here and here for further information..hope you get information from this reading...thx ^_^
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